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Crown and book on table.

Dear Friends in Christ,

Some may know this, others not, but I am back in the hospital at Forsyth with some further heart issues. My suspicion all along was they released me too soon before (imagine that) but they tell me I’m making progress and will likely be back at therapy by the end of the week. It’s yet another setback but I’m not good at quitting so my spirits are still up. I’ll be back relatively soon, I miss ministry and all of you too much. And I was appointed for another year, which I am excited about. Thanks for your confidence in me.

If you haven’t heard the organ modification at Reeds you really need to. I watched the service Sunday and was most impressed, thanks Seth for your leadership on this project. Speaking of music, I’ve told a few of you about my most famous relative Jimmie Davis, my grandmother Hall’s cousin. Many these days haven’t heard of him, he lived to be about 100 and died some  20 years ago, but he was governor of Louisiana twice but most famous for writing “You Are My Sunshine.” He was elected to both the County Music and Gospel Hall of Fames and I am becoming more familiar with his music during my convalescence. One song that caught my attention was his interpretation of “Do Lord….,” He added a line I’d never heard “If you can’t wear the cross then you can’t wear the crown…” I’ve thought about that line a lot these days with the cross I’m bearing now. But we all have our crosses and indeed God asks us to bear them faithfully, in imitation of Christ. We are seeking the crown, not like the one of the King of England, but the crown of everlasting life which He has led the way for. Praise be to the Lord Jesus! And btw, we’ll use that song the first Sunday I’m back. Harry asked me if I’d thought about my first sermon, I’ve actually already written it! That’s how much I look forward to being with you again AND how thankful I am to God to be alive. I’ve cut it closer recently than I’d like…

Take care, love you all, and God bless.


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